Thursday, September 22, 2011

East meets East in Europe

Sofia Majewski for ArtSound
Warsaw Village Band

Maria Radacanu

1.  Maydow: Warsaw Village Band
2.  Shto Mi e Milo: Kitka
3.  Z Toboyu: Okean Elzy
4.  In Gradina La Ion: Maria Raducanu
5.  I opened my heart: Zulya
6.  When Love: Zulya
7.  Jovano Jovanke: Nigel Kennedy & Kroke
8.  Jovano Jovanke: Psalteria
9.  Colo Sus Pe Langa Luna: Maria Radacanu
10. Druzhen'ka: Sestry
11. Laila Laila: Shir
12. Who is Getting Married:  Warsaw Village Band
13. To you Kasiuniu: Warsaw Village Band

Okean Elzy for Sasha, Nastia and Darina in Kjiv

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the visit! It's so nice to meet new artists...I'll have to look you up on ARTHOUSE ... keep in touch!

    ciao bella

    creative carmelina
